Monday, October 31, 2011

Best My Champion, or I'll best your head!

Fear's Black Fortress Mark III gets a visit from the nasty Legionnaire Tribe and gets a warm welcome from the master of BYM!

Sometimes you just got to get the cash!

Fear shows you the basic idea of how to farm a Kozu base with 2 Rocket DAVEs, a Zafreeti and a Fomor Champion. If you place the monsters fast enough, you will clear the base in one wave 90% of the time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tower Defenses Upgraded!

Fear bringing you the latest BYM News! This week we talk about the new defense capabilities for all outposts and more on hackers and jumping!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cause Havoc, Not Grief... BYM Jumpers Fixes...

I am all for causing a rift in the space-time continuum, but let's not let it digress into pure "Grief Play". I made a video about "Jumpers" awhile back, to where I was a bit critical of their existence in game. I didn't fully understand the concept, but since my war with some lovely neighbors that spend 0 shiny, I have decided that Jumpers are a viable and even useful play style within the game.

My biggest problems with it right now is two fold. One, they still let you recycle your Map Room after you jump without the wait time and without a fee, and the instant "Drop" of outposts need to be addressed.

My feelings right now are this. The 7 day wait period to jump is too long. It is great for some people, but since they can recycle anyway, they really only need to wait for 4.5 days while they build a new Map Room 2.

My current suggestions are this:

1. (Curb the cheap jumping) If you want to jump to a friends outpost for 10k resources, then the delay to jump or recycle again should be about 48 hours unless you spend Shiny. (You may want to make this a little more expensive, up to 1,500 or 2k shiny just to keep things legit.) This facilitates a deterrent to rampant jumping, and allows Kixeye to monetize those that are in a hurry.
2. (Curb the Black Hole Effect) Once a Jumper or a Recycler leaves an area, then all OP's should fall to a "ownerless" state for 24 hours and all protection bubbles are cleared. (Maybe making a "Incoming WM's" user account that decays or jumps and drops the OP after 24 hours etc...) Meaning the OP's decay back to the WM's after 24 hours to where anyone can pick them up including but not limited to the original owner. This allows people to still clear areas of the map where the owner has vanished, but allows active members to choose to buy their land back or let it go back to the WM's. (Wild Monsters). It also allows friends or poachers time to pick up that land, which could be a cool aspect to see in the game.
3. (Open up inter-empire jumping) Another change I would like to see is that if you are moving yourself around your own empire, then there should be no delay in Jumping again. The cost is 30k resources to jump to your own land, and that cost may need to be raised at some point to slow down the huge empires, plus we can have up to 6 storage silos instead of 5, so maybe the cost should be justified by your TH level. but I think for now that's a pretty hefty price to spend and shouldn't impact anything. It also shouldn't clear any delays if they say jumped or recycled previously to go to a friends OP, that timer should remain in tact.

I believe that these changes will pick up the pace of playing, along with taking out some of the exploiting or circumventing the system to get shorter jump times. This way the Jump method is more desirable because it takes less then half the time of a Recycle.

This also gives the player a sense of urgency to log in every day which will help the numbers on the DAU. The feeding every day is just not enough incentive. If people feel like there is a chance that someone may have attacked them, they have a chance to regain their OP's, I think they would check every day to make sure they are still in tact.

I would also suggest that the "Radio Tower" also work on OP's. This little messaging system is crucial to Empire Builders to get the message that they need to log in and save the empire.

The number of strikes against an Outpost should be limited to once, or possibly twice a day but no more then that before it goes under DP. Making the Outposts more defended with weapons is great, but not when you get as many chances as you do with a full sized base.

I also think that all catapulting should be disabled with Outposts. There is no reason to allow the full force of a catapult loose on an outpost. All games that have Arena's or end game stuff like Empires, have serious restrictions to keep things on an even playing field. I would be open to allowing putty if you only get one attack, but twigs and pebbles need to go or be dramatically reduced for OP's.

These are just my opinions. Any comments, please post them below.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Crazy little thing called BYM. Level 9 Town Hall Released!

I decided that I may add a little more to the blog then just the usual news video. I actually like writing about games too, but I really enjoy just throwing down a video and testing things.

BYM is a very fun game, at times a little slow on the action, but I seem to gravitate towards it, and there is obviously a lot of people interested in seeing the latest and greatest from the "too old to play BYM" guy.

I am planning on getting in to a little bit more commentary as time permits. I know people are busy and I am busy too, but maybe I can bring my own brand of logic to this crazy world we call Backyard Monsters.

For now, enjoy the news!

Fear bringing you the latest BYM News, This week the level 9 Town Hall and all of the perks that go along with it. Sneak peak of The Black Fortress 2.3-SS.

Monday, October 10, 2011

From the guy that brought you the Ultimate Quadrant Base and The Flying Base of Death, Fear presents you with the latest base design known as the The Black Fortress. Not even the inhabitants of Krull can stop this mobile menace!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Champion Chamber! BYM News 30!

Fear bringing you the latest BYM News. This week The Champion Chamber and a quick start guide on how to use this new feature!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Jumpers Get Jumped by Kixeye! BYM News 29

Fear bringing you the latest BYM News! This week we discuss the new chat and quest windows, and their new changes. We also cover the Cycle Outpost or Jump Forward button, and the new limits on Jumping your Main Base.

Together To The Top! This week features video by Backyard Commander