Saturday, December 23, 2006

Night to Fear's Bishop... Checkmate!

Did that make sense to you? okay.... Amber posted a retraction to her comment about precasting on her site... However, I accidently double posted a comment there, so I am probably banned already. Ahh well... So much for playing chess on the Net. Once a grief PK, always a grief PK I am told...

I have found out a few things, like Amber is from Colorado, which makes her cool like me. However, she moved and missed this last snow storm, so that lowers her coolness level a bit.

She also likes Strong Bad, which I normally recommend on my site, but since I am too lazy to update the layout here, you will have to use the link provided in this post. She also selected "All Star" by Smashmouth as her opening story line, which adds some cool back into her profile. We will keep you informed as to more cool ratings.

Oh, and there is this really nasty "grinch-type" fellow named Hunter commenting on her site. I figure it was an e-harmony gone bad or ex-mate type situation, but I leave the exact description up to the masses...

My comment to Amber about the precasting sitch is as follows

Fear Says: December 23rd, 2006 at 12:32 am

Amber must have turned Hunter down for a date or something. I haven’t seen that much *hate* since Adrick and I took on the Lummies over statloss for Player Killers (Reds) in Ultima Online.
Is statloss one word or two? Keep posting funny interviews k-thx!
Thanks for the retraction, I will tell my lawyers to chill out and stop leaving you voice mails.

Okay, I am off to see a man about a tree for Raph! Have a happy holiday weekend everyone!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Microtransactions to Preserve The Pretentiousness Quotient!

As seen over at, Raph has apparently started his reign of terror by doing an interview with none other than.... Amber Night? I dunno, I suppose I could read her bio and find out exactly what she does, but that would require me to do "research" and we know I can't be doing all that whilst I am working on Karaoke stuff. It is obviously someone with much more clout in the industry then I have these days. Although, she doesn't have an audio interview with Raph, and I do SO THERE! So what if it's from 1998? It still counts!

Amber also has this news about Areae prior to the Raph Interview. She has a misquote on her blog dated "Tuesday, December 19th, 2006 at 5:34 am" about Amber's "Top 6 ways in Which Areae Inc's upcoming title, Tertio Life, Will Be Completely Different From Second Life. (Yes, 6. Because nobody does Top 6 lists, and that makes me special.)" Number one is "1. Two words: Precasting. You heard it here first." and I have to contest this comment as I clearly brought the precasting information to the public eye at Lum's site on December 16th!

Fear of BV 17-Dec-06 at 5:31 am Permalink
OMG, what next? Broken Gamez dot Org featuring Scott?
Good luck Raph, plz bring back pre-casting beotch! k-thx

Hopefully, there will be a retraction to Amber's statement as well, or I may need to introduce her to Mersault and his band of Internet Identity thieves! Be sure to pick the Medium_Blue appearance to get the full effect. Did you notice, that Amber and I blog about the same time of day? *Wonders if anyone will accuse us of blogging together*

Oh, and um Raph? Please stop talking about Areae in the third person... You know that Areae = Raph Koster now right?

Anyway, for those of you that are too jaded or silly to realize that this [AN] interview is quite humorus, then I am telling you now... It's funny! The only true parts in the whole interview are where Raph admits to doing Microtransactions to Preserve The Pretentiousness Quotient... That is completely true, and then there is the part about the name of his company which I can't even begin to pronounce, so I am not even going to include it in any future audio programs I may create. Raph was also quoted as saying "RK: On occasion they ask me about it, but then I dazzle them with doubletalk" when asked the question "AN: On your website you mention that “we’ve got a cool world or two incubating on the back burner.” Does it make your investors nervous that you don’t know exactly how many worlds you have?". That is likely going to be the comment of the century, and Lum pointed it out, so you know it MUST be true! Again, I am kidding... Notice how I reversed the question and answer to annoy the general public? I have a true talent for blog publishing. We all know Raph is sitting on a couple of copies of UO2 and whatever else he may have conjured up while working for Sony. I can only imagine the collection of started projects Raph has sitting in his closet.

I was getting bored, and I decided to do a little recreational blogging for the children. (You are the children) All one of you! Hi Meursalt! See anything you want to steal? Please feel free to take what you need! I don't mind.... REALLY! Go ahead... erm... Okay, I am just kidding. Please stop stealing, and start giving me something. Money! Money is good, gimme some pls kthx!

You guys wouldn't believe how much snow we have out there. My dad dug out the driveway with his tractor. This is a big John Deere tractor, with a scoop and everything. He got it stuck in the 5 foot drifts a couple of times, so I had to pull him out with his truck, but that was pretty fun. I should have taken some pics of the trashcans. The trash is all still in the cans, but you can only see the tops of the cans in the snow bank. Pretty darn funny if you ask me.

Okay.. Back to work! *whip sound effect here*

Hey Amber! Why not interview a true MMOG icon like FEAR!!!???

I bet I can get Amber to do my next "Love that Fear" commercial!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Snow Day!

So, we are snowed in big time in Strasburg today. I-70 is closed and all three of the stores in this town are sealed tighter then the International Space Station. So, I guess I can make time for another blissfull blog update.

Chewy makes me laugh. Thanks to Scott for the comedy of the week. I suppose most folks are too busy talking about the topic of the day [RMT] but I would like to move on to something more important like.... Me...

I talked to the Wiff last night only to realize once again that we were not meant to be together. Not only did I lose 3 hours of my life that I can't get back. Not a good prospect for reconcile as far as I am concerned. It was funny to hear how my myspace page was actually a dating site for me to catch all those underaged women. All of which are related to me, but hey... Get er done right?

My wife has this thing about talking to my last ex-girlfriend who was at least IMHO 3 times (3X) crazier then the wife. Not only does the wife know the Ex is crazy, but she believes what the crazy person has to say about EVERYTHING. It makes things difficult, but my comment was to tell my Ex to get a life and MOVE ON, for the love of all that is holy...

So, the wife offered to give me my stuff again, and offered to give me some gigs for New Years and all the same stuff I am always offered as a way to get me back home. I am just not in the mood to deal with her, so I think I will just resume my stay in exile and keep my distance from her and the drama crew.

Enjoy the snow day, if you happen to live in Colorado anyway...

Monday, December 18, 2006

My dog is a Crack addict! & Raph makes the world go round, Part II...

So, I have been busy lately, and neglecting the general populace again... Anyway for those of you that are still hanging on to the hope that one day the world may be playable again... Apparently Raph Koster, you know, the GOD of UO back in the day has finally got off his duff and made a company of his very own. The story I found over at, but anyway, Raph has teamed up with some heavy hittin brotha's from other parts of the MMOG universe and is beginning his decent into the MMOG Matrix on his own terms.

Believe it or not, Raph supported many of the ideals we had in mind back in the UO days, and maybe now that he has it his way, we can see some good. Of course, he was also against "Grief" which puts most of you freaks out in the cold, but the idea of player-justice and many other really good ideas are hopefully still in his mind going forward.

Well, I got a promo DJ gig tomorrow (Monday) night. I finally talked these guys in the sticks into seeing a real DJ in action... No, I don't mean Paul Oakenfold, I meant me... Anyway, I am doing that, and things in my sorry life are looking up. I am still hanging with the folks, but with the day job and now the possibility of DJing again, I am quite happy. Mom is doing okay, and the puppy..... Oh.. I got to tell you about the puppy....

So, I get up the other morning, and my sister, who is also now staying at home for a bit... (What a disfunctional family, more on that later)... was making my Mom and I some breakfast. So, we are getting ready to eat, and my Mom had let all the dogs outside for their morning stroll... (Poop, or whatever). When Mom let them (5 Chiwawa, and 1 Golden Lab) back inside, the baby (6 month old Chiwawa that weighs less then 2 pounds wet) had found and sampled one of my
Mother's expired pain patches. (Mom takes pain meds in the form of a patch like the one to stop smoking, to help with the Cancer) So, the baby (Candy) takes a lick of one of these old patches that somehow made its way out of the trash, and drops like a rock in the middle of the living room floor.

Spread-eagle and eyes drooping closed, Mom picks up Candy and tells me there is something wrong with her. Mom hands Candy to me, and I could tell immediately that this chick was not feeling well, and possibly on the way to death. I grabbed my coat and keys and started heading to the door. Mom kept saying that we need to call the vet first, and I told her, we will call them when we get there. I got out there, shaking Candy the whole time to keep her awake, and then handed her off to Mom while I drove into town to see the vet. I was speeding and Mom was worried about me getting a ticket. I told her I didn't care and speeded down the dirt road to town at a speed I can't disclose to the general public. I figured screw that, if they want me, they will have to get me at the vet's office.

We make it to town in record time and take Candy inside to be checked out by the vet. The lady at the counter was very nice, but got hung up on the fact that Candy's name was spelled wrong in the computer and kept wanting to fix it. In the mene time, Candy's toungue is sticking out and she lost control of her bowel movements. Mom was kind enough to try and catch the droppings in her hand, but the lady at the counter was pissing me off over the name correction. I told her that she could fix that later, she just needs to get this dog looked at NOW. I think I said something like, "You can call the damn dog Freddy if you want, but please just take her in the back now!" Anyway, the lady complied and Candy went back to get checked.

My sister and I raced home to find the missing patch, and we did just in time for the largest dog KJ to also find it and try to take a taste. Fortunately his big ass isn't as easilly drugged as Candy, and we retrieved the patch. We gave all of the information to the vet and they were able to administer an anti-drug to get Candy back to the real world again.

It is funnier when I tell it in person, but basically, my dog is now a Crack Bitch and has tried to sniff my Mother's back on a few occasions since the incident occured. We have been feeding her Morphiene free dog food, but Candy is likely to be in rehab for her drug habbit. ;)

Candy is back to normal now, and I have a picture of Candy on my phone that I use to make people feel happy when things aren't going well in their lives.

Well, wish me luck on my promo show tomorrow nite! I am excited to get back into the groove DJing for cash.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Leggo my ego...

I just had nothing really interesting to say, so I selected a strange Title.

So the boys at Blather are pissed because I let them all down, and I am teh suck etc... Okay, now that this topic is covered, I can resume my second coming! Someone mentioned I only make bi-yearly posts, but I am sure that I actually made much less then that in the last couple of years.

I got a new 300 Gig drive the other day and loaded it with all of my goodies. Man, that sucker is fast. It is a Maxtor, but it was the cheapest one that I could get at the time. I like it so far, and I am sure I will enjoy cleaning up 7,000 mp3 files to get them ready for my return to DJ...

So, I tried Eve the other night... Well sorta. I installed this huge 500 meg file and then I couldn't read some of the menu options and stuff so I have to go through Tech-support and the forums to figure out what I can do to actually "play" the game. I always love those MMOG's that need 15 hours to install and support to you know "play" the game.

I am ramping up my business again, so I may be a little less then talkitive for a week or so. Not that I am all that wordy these days anyway, but I do hate gold farming!

Scott has some good stuff to read on his site, so go there and bother him for a bit.